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At Wearinghers we are fully inclusive , so we welcome gay, bi, curious and straight men to socialise together.

For you completely heterosexual men though , we do realise that you MIGHT have reservations about attending our event , which runs normally as a fetish club.

Club Wearinghers has a very discreet entrance. The entrance at street level is open , you can just walk down the stairs and reach our security door.

Inside , many of our other guests on the night will be gay or bi men BUT they will respect the fact that you are a straight guy , so , they WILL NOT be putting pressure on you to "play" etc...

Infact, the bar area is purely social. There is no pressure here. Just have a few drinks and socialise with other masculine guys in lingerie
 ( there are no "screaming queens" here !)

The "play areas" , for guys who do want to get a bit more intimate, are either side of the bar. You do not need to walk in to these areas.

Heterosexual guys will feel comfortable here as you socialise wearing your lingerie. All the guys will respect that you are straight and so we look forward to welcoming YOU to the club night too.


Click on the logo below to follow us on :

At https://groups.io/g/wearinghers/ we have a forum, where you can send messages , send/view pictures , start chats etc... with other masculine men who wear lingerie. We have a lovely community of guys there . Join Us !




Reddit <------- share pictures of yourself in lingerie with us on Reddit

Our lads buy their quality lingerie in our shop at :