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 6pm - 10pm

@Bunker Bar

Second Thursday of every month.

November 14th 2024
December 12th 2024



Admission charge:

£10 for lingerie/nylon/spandex/lycra wearers & admirers . One same charge for all , which includes free coat check.

All mobile phones are to be put with your belongings into the coat check.

Valuables ? Ask our door staff to have them put your valuables in the safe.

You may use cash or cards to pay for drinks at the bar.

If you would like your photo taken in the venue , host , sissybloke (on the cash desk),
will be happy to photograph you and email them to you the following day.
Its also YOUR CHOICE, if you'd like, to post them on our website ( your face blurred , tattoos etc.. blurred out)

Smoking :

The Bunker Bar is a non-smoking venue. Regrettably, smokers will have to leave the club and go back to street level when they wish to have a cigarette or e-cigarette, cigars etc...
Consider purchasing a boiler suit of some sort , to put over your lingerie quickly , for
when you need to go back upstairs?

Examples link  : eBay coveralls

                         eBay Boiler Suits

***FREE Entry offer ***

With a reasonably early opening and closing time , 6pm - 10pm , Club Wearinghers can
 be reached on a “day return” rail ticket from locations as far afield as Norfolk , Bristol ,
 Cardiff , Birmingham , Manchester, Liverpool etc… SHOW your DAY RETURN rail ticket,
 with a value over £25 on the door, and we will give you FREE entry to our event.

The UK's first ever club for men into wearing lingerie and their admirers.

( Do download our flyer - below - and share across the net and your social media
 - just right click with your mouse button and save)

Past Events :

Our launch night was on Thursday 6th March 2014 and the club , back then, was called "Linger",
we have held them on the first Thursday of every month ever since,
except for a 6 month break in 2022 !


Click here for full venue details Venue


Click on the logo below to follow us on :

At https://groups.io/g/wearinghers/ we have a forum, where you can send messages , send/view pictures , start chats etc... with other masculine men who wear lingerie. We have a lovely community of guys there . Join Us !




Reddit <------- share pictures of yourself in lingerie with us on Reddit

Our lads buy their quality lingerie in our shop at :